Taiyou no UtaChapter 4
Drama Romance

Sixteen-year old Kaoru, who cannot be exposed to sunlight, can only experience “life” at night, when she’s in front of the train station, singing. There begins a love that has blossomed for the first time in her life.

Love PortraitChapter 0

"I've been looking at nothing but him. But actually, I wasn't seeing the real him all this time... Now I want to see more." The moment "like" turns into "love"! A rom-com Shoujo manga that will make your heart beat fast!

A Transparent FeverChapter 0
Drama Romance

"When you like that special someone so much that you can hardly stand it..." I did not understand that it was that kind of love when I said yes to his invitation. But when he began to talk about the person he liked, I could not handle this annoyed feeling...

A WishChapter 0
Romance Supernatural

In order to successfully confess to the person I like, I go to worship in the famous wish-fulfilling shrine. But what appears before me in the 30th day are something more bizarre than my wish! A heart-warming love comedy involving the spirits!

Another Side of You/OfficialChapter 0

Youthful Romance Comedy!!The eccentric student president, Hagiwara and the calm and collected vice president, Kasumi, are known as the invincible combo in the school! These two have something they want to convey before graduation...